Counseling & Coaching
The best way to predict the future is to create it.
Abraham Lincoln
Ali is available for one-on-one as well as group coaching and teaching engagements related to any of the following areas, individually or in combination:

Life & Lifestyle Focus
Life or lifestyle coaching is for anyone who could use some support in making positive life changes. Maybe you know what that change is—or maybe not! Many people work with a coach to find clarity—they know they want things to be different, but could use some help figuring out exactly what they want the change to look and feel like. That’s one of the things a coach does best! Other people also come to coaching for something specific—maybe it’s navigating a transition, making an important decision, working through a relationship, or moving forward after a setback. Still others come for something related more to adjusting the general tone and texture of life – developing a new habit, for example, or perspective, or practice. Either way, working with a coach can really help get you from where you are now to where you’d like to be.

Creativity Focus
Imagination, invention. Energy and ideas. Inspiration, motivation, creative flow. Most of us feel great when we’re really in the flow of our creative work – and less great when we hit a sticky patch and things snag, slow, and sometimes come to a full STOP. Whether you create for work or for love or for both, if you’re feeling creatively stuck or stagnant, working with a creativity counselor can really get you back on track! As a lifelong visual, musical, and literary artist, I’ve been both in flow and in the weeds throughout my creative life. If you’re feeling stuck in a specific project or in general, creativity coaching will help you engage with your work in new ways and understand how to approach it with a lighter (or fiercer) heart, more optimism and energy, and a fresh perspective.

Happiness Focus
Happiness is the engine that animates our lives, and like an engine, it’s made of many parts. For an engine to work, every part has a special job to do and contributes to the whole; if one part isn’t working, the whole thing is compromised. There are many different “parts” that work together to power our lives and make the engine of our happiness run! Happiness education and coaching is for when it’s less the circumstances of life that need attention and more the various parts and how they’re working together, inside and out. By shining our light around to assess the health of the wheels and belts that turn the engine, we can determine which need tuning. Then we’ll explore and implement strategies to get everything running more smoothly so, every day, you can drive your very best self to the party.

Writing Focus
NEW! Writing focus description coming . . . stay tuned! (:
Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right.
Henry Ford
how does it work?
For all focus areas, I use a Positive Psychology framework that works to crystallize and invigorate your development or transformation goals so you can begin taking real, concrete action toward them. The process of meaningful change is usually nonlinear by nature, but this one ultimately works in 3 steps.
step 1
Clarify & Energize
During the initial phase of the process, we’ll take the time to explore and ultimately refine what truly positive change looks like for you. This will allow you to clarify and commit to your unique, forward-looking goal(s). To get where we want to go, we have to know where we’re going! We’ll use a variety of strategies to generate the clear vision, hope, excitement, and optimism you’ll need to prepare for action. This exploratory and generative work is a key part of the process that’s usually very fun and inspiring!
step 2
Activate & Navigate
At this stage, you’ll be actively moving toward your goals by developing concrete action steps that you’ll commit to carrying out between sessions. As we go along, we’ll celebrate wins, build on what’s working, tap whatever resources are needed to stay on track, and troubleshoot any obstacles that get in the way. Depending on the nature of your goal, we may also chart a detailed and comprehensive way forward (a Goal Map) to articulate upcoming steps and create specific plans for successfully navigating each.
step 3
Flow & Expand
You’re now in a place where rapid, substantial progress is possible. You’re in the flow of your process of positive change, and we’ll use all the momentum you’ve built up to continue on your forward journey, ironing out any kinks as we go. Finally, during our last session, we’ll recap all the progress you’ve made toward your goal, make sure you have a solid plan for continuing forward that you feel good about, and explore how you can use your new perspective, tools, and discoveries to continue affecting positive change in other areas of your life.
Curious to find out more?
How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives.
Annie Dillard