Change is never easy, but always possible.
Barack Obama
* Initial 30-60 minute consultation is free of charge and requires no further commitment.

1 hour
= $75
A single counseling or coaching session can be very helpful if you just want to explore a bit and come up with some new ideas, or if you feel clear and confident on your path but could use a little extra support to stay motivated or work through a minor snag. Multiple sessions are necessary for more comprehensive progress or change, but sometimes a single session can really help lift you up, ground you, or shine a light in the right spot to keep the map illuminated and stay on track.
- One 1-hour counseling/coaching session, via Zoom
- A unique, session-specific follow-up email, including constructive insights, resources, and targeted guidance related to client’s goals
- Follow-up email support for one week
bundle options
Working with a guide means making an investment in yourself, and your commitment to the process is essential. Coaching bundles give you the opportunity to make that important commitment as well as to make the most of your investment. After our initial consultation, you can choose which package might be right for you.

3-session bundle
= $175
spark package
This package is great for someone who wants to really light the spark that will begin (or continue) a process of change. You can expect to explore your goals and ideas about moving toward them, learn about and activate the strengths, skills, and resources that will support you, and begin (or continue) taking steps in a positive new direction.
- Three 1-hour counseling/coaching sessions, via Zoom
- Weekly to biweekly, as needed
- Email support between sessions
- Character strength assessment & review
- 3 unique, client-specific follow-up emails, including constructive insights, resources, or targeted guidance related to client’s goals
- Follow-up email support for one week
- Per-session bundle rate is honored for up to 2 additional sessions if client wishes to add

5-session bundle
= $275
action package
This package is for not only sparking change, but also for really starting to activate movement and make significant progress toward your goal. You’ll get crystal clear about your direction, unravel the path to get there, and get moving! We’ll activate the strengths, skills, and resources that will supercharge your process, work through whatever might be standing in your way, and create specific, actionable plans to get from where you are now to exactly where you want to be.
- Five 1-hour counseling/coaching sessions, via Zoom
- Weekly to biweekly, as needed
- Email support between sessions
- Character strength assessment & review
- 6 unique, client-specific follow-up emails, including constructive insights, resources, or targeted guidance related to client’s goals
- Follow-up email support for one week
- Per-session bundle rate is honored for up to 3 additional sessions if client wishes to add
7-session bundle
= $350
growth package
This package is for clients who feel they could benefit from ongoing support as their transformations gain momentum, the positive seeds they’ve planted are begin to take root or bloom, and they work to integrate those changes into their lives with confidence, calm, and continued focus. In this extended engagement, you’ll have the opportunity to troubleshoot any issues or growing pains that come up as things begin to shift and reshuffle, ask questions and get feedback on any sticky or unstable aspects of your process, and retain a reliable, encouraging accountability partner to support you as you venture out onto the bright new path toward your goals.
- Seven 1-hour counseling/coaching sessions, via Zoom
- Weekly to biweekly, as needed
- Email support between sessions
- Character strength assessment & review
- 7 unique, session-specific follow-up emails, including constructive insights, resources, or targeted guidance related to client’s goals
- Follow-up email support for one week
- Per-session bundle rate is honored for up to 4 additional sessions if client wishes to add
Curious about working together?
I’d love to talk about your goals for positive change and how to get moving toward them!
click here to schedule a complimentary consultation.
All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.
J.R.R. Tolkien